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Windows10 20H1更新(2004版):到目前为止的所有更改,新功能(分类的更改日志)

时间:2019-12-05     来源:win10官网     游览量:

当您在Outlook中阅读收件箱等电子邮件时,讲述人现在可以更有效地阅读信息。现在,每个订单项都以电子邮件的状态开头,例如未读,已转发等,其后是其他列,例如“发件人”,“主题”等。列标题将被静音,没有数据的列或具有默认值的列(预期值)将被静音,例如正常重要性或未标记等。在Outlook中,可以通过按“讲述人” +“ H”将其重新打开和关闭,以重新打开标题。

“点击我”链接解决方案:通过“点击我”链接您是否会感到沮丧?现在,“讲述人”可以告诉您链接到的页面的标题,只需按Caps + Ctrl + D,“讲述人”将获取您所使用的超链接的URL,并将其发送到在线服务,该服务将为“讲述人”提供页面标题。如果要禁用“讲述人”的所有联机服务使用,可以在“讲述人设置”中将其关闭。如果发现链接没有给您有意义的页面标题,请向我们发送反馈。谢谢!
Narrator will now automatically start reading webpages and emails: Do you want to hear the most valuable content faster? Narrator now automatically starts reading webpages when they are loaded. Narrator will start reading at the main landmark, if there is one, or will fall back to a reasonable paragraph. Narrator will also start automatically reading emails when they are opened in Outlook and the inbox Mail applications. If you find experiences that aren’t working well, please send us feedback.
The Magnifier UI now works with dark theme and text sizing options. The image below shows two Magnifier windows. The top one is in Light theme and default text size; the bottom one is in Dark theme and the text is scaled at 125%.

Table reading improvements: Narrator is now more efficient when reading tables. Header information is not repeated when navigating within the same row or column. Entering and exiting tables is also less verbose.
Narrator web page summary: There’s a new command in Narrator to give a webpage summary! (Narrator + S). Currently this command will give information about hyperlinks, landmarks and headings.
Magnifier text cursor setting: Windows Magnifier has a new ability to keep the text cursor in the center of the screen making it easier and smoother to type. Centered on the screen is on by default and can be changed in the Magnifier settings.
●Windows10 20H1 Input improvements
Traditional Chinese IME improvements
谢谢大家分享有关新的繁体中文Bopomofo,ChangJie和Quick IME的反馈。开发人员团队一直在努力提高质量并修复错误。使用今天的版本:
• 工具栏改进:我们修复了即使在设置中关闭[使用IME工具栏]时工具栏仍然显示的问题。我们还在工具栏菜单中添加了[隐藏工具栏]按钮。

• 从设置中:右键单击[中/英]图标>单击[设置]> [常规]> [使用IME工具栏]
• 从右键菜单:右键单击[中/英]图标> [显示/隐藏IME工具栏]
• 候选窗口的改进:我们一直在努力改善候选窗口的质量。

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上一篇:Microsoft Edge Dev Browser更新了新功能立即下载

下一篇:Microsoft Edge Development Channel内部版本80.0.354.0具有新功能和可靠性改进
